Tunnel Game
Extra Post Zach Bilcsik Extra Post Zach Bilcsik

Tunnel Game

Welcome to the Tunnel Game, a fun and challenging adventure where you guide a dot through an unpredictable maze. Starting with level one, you’ll face sinusoidal paths that become more complex as you progress. Try to avoid the walls and make it to the end of each level - failures are part of the journey! With built-in share buttons, you can brag about your progress on social media. Ready to test your skills? Start your adventure below and see if you can win!

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WAF Secure Database
Extra Post Zach Bilcsik Extra Post Zach Bilcsik

WAF Secure Database

Explore the encrypted logs of the Webspace Anomaly Foundation in the WAF Secure Database. Each entry holds a cryptic story of Vincent, Emily, and the strange quantum events unfolding around them. Are you ready to scan the timeline?

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  // Initialize an empty string to store the sequence of key presses
  let keySequence = '';

  // Define the target sequences
  const vincentSequence = 'vincent';
  const emilySequence = 'emily';
  const zachSequence = 'zach';
  const dualSeq
Zach Bilcsik Zach Bilcsik

WAF System Interface: Anomaly Data Access

System Online...

Welcome to the Webspace Anomaly Foundation (WAF) interface. Authorized users can access restricted data logs by entering the correct key sequences. Please note: The system is operating under compromised conditions.

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